Day 35 - There’s No Place Like Nome

Found my way Sunday morning from Fargo to Nome (feels like winter just spelling out these places). Spent the evening in the most unique of my lodgings to date, the Nome Schoolhouse Inn, a beautiful, brick schoolhouse that was reopened and retrofitted into a tricked out B&B and event center. The two visionaries, Chris and Teresa, were on sight when I arrived participating in a Navajo loom-weaving seminar being taught by Betty, an expert in Navajo weaving from Minnesota. Chris and Teresa also run a yarn and roving manufacturing operation out of the lower level of the school. These ladies are do-ers! On Monday morning I traveled to Gackle, an oddly fun place that bikers frequent on their x-country trips. The town organized a little summer festival on Monday night in their local park. I’m pretty sure at least half the population of 280 joined a dozen cyclists and we feasted on BBQ. Another slice of Americana in the heartland. 

Day 36 - Dances With Wolv…Pelicans?


Day 34 - “Revival” in Fargo